Useful Commander sliders and buttons for IC-7610
Automatic waterfall zoom button for working a pile-up with IC-7610
Single-button main/sub receiver filter settings for working a CW pile-up with IC-7610
Button for toggling between external VFO knob to follow focus or be dedicated for sub VFO
Radio voice keyer buttons for IC-7610
Buttons for radio on, off, and stand by
Sidetone level slider
Break-in delay slider
Button/slider/device kit for per-band output power and drive control
WSJT-X operation preparation button for IC-7610
Useful Commander sliders and buttons for IC-7300
Automatic waterfall zoom button for working a pile-up with IC-7300
Single-button VFO A/B filter settings for working a CW pile-up with IC-7300
Radio voice keyer buttons for IC-7300
Radio on and off buttons
Sidetone level slider
Break-in delay slider
Button/slider/device kit for per-band output power control
WSJT-X operation preparation button for IC-7300
Useful, less obvious SpotCollector SQL filters
Needed spots plus spots of friends:
(hidden <> 'Y') and not (notes like '*ncdxf*') and (<needfilter> and <standardfilter>) or ((tags like '*friend*') and <agefilter>)
Spots from own sources (JTAlert and/or own skimmer with RBN Aggregator’s secondary port connected to SpotCollector):
(Cumulative like '*: ## dB ## WPM*' or Cumulative like '*: # dB ## WPM*' or Cumulative like '*: [[][+-]## dB] *') and <agefilter>
Needed spots from own sources (JTAlert and/or own skimmer with RBN Aggregator’s secondary port connected to SpotCollector):
(Cumulative like '*: ## dB ## WPM*' or Cumulative like '*: # dB ## WPM*' or Cumulative like '*: [[][+-]## dB] *') and <agefilter> and <needfilter> and <bandfilter>